
AUA 2020-2024 Strategic Plan

The American University of Armenia will position itself as the lead academic stakeholder in Armenia’s future.  We must prepare the institution to provide students with transformative experiences that give them the knowledge and abilities needed to solve Armenia’s most pressing problems, lead it toward a prosperous future, and develop and deliver high quality, relevant research, all with an eye toward impact and sustainability. Our vision is to create a university that is capable of grappling with complex transdisciplinary problems while delivering excellence in academic programs built on disciplinary expertise. To do this, we will begin to understand the university in two dimensions. First, through a horizontal dimension that provides research, outreach, and teaching and learning opportunities across programs and colleges; and second, through a vertical dimension that is the development of the traditional university – programs in academic colleges that deliver curriculum and disciplinary opportunity to students. The development of both of these dimensions are needed to educate students for impact in a complex world. Finally, we will organize our efforts though a strategical planning map that identifies our priorities in the development of world class education, excellent research, sustainable outreach, and a first-class internal environment.