Implementation Process 2021-2022




Starting with FY 2022

July – September 2020; internal dialogue within strategic units

October – December 2020; dialogue with strategic units and executive team

January – March 2021; budget dialogue for AUA priorities

April –  June 2021; decision on budget FY 2022 and strategic priorities FY 2023


AUA Q1: July, August, September, 2020

  • Each AUA Strategic Unit engages all their internal people in a strategic dialogue resulting in action priorities/tactics for FY 2021-2022, taking into consideration the needs/priorities of both their own respective unit and the institutional priorities and development.
  • Trends on KPIs and delivery on Thematic Objectives should be considered.
  • Strategic maps will be visible for all Strategic Units.
  • Preliminary Action Plans for FY 2021-2022 should be prepared for selected priorities/tactics.
  • Maximum of five people should be selected from the strategic unit for the strategic dialogue with the Exec Team during AUA Q2. 


AUA Q2: October, November, December, 2020

  • Shared Governance Dialogues in the following order: 1) Cross-disciplinary units, 2) Colleges and School, and 3) Strategic Support units.
  • Input for the Shared Governance Dialogue is: 1) Strategic map from unit, 2) Data sheet from unit, and 3) KPI trend chart.
  • Continued discussions with the AUA Exec Team to further develop strategic maps and to facilitate a budget planning process coordinated with the map.
  • Every dialogue takes into consideration all three perspectives of AUA: the transdisciplinary, the disciplinary, and support roles.
  • Sustainable development should be considered for all actions.

AUA Q3: January, February, March, 2021 

  • The compiled prioritized strategic map for FY 2021-2022 will be confirmed and coordinated with financial planning for 2021-2022.
  • Strategic mapping and frameworks for tactics during 2021-2022 will be developed.
  • Discussion on Thematic Objectives for 2022-2023 begins.


AUA Q4: April, May, June, 2021

  • Budget for FY 2021-2022 finalized, presented to the BoT for approval; adjustments made as necessary.
  • Action plan and prioritized Thematic Objectives set for 2022-2023.